Fitting in

This has been a most interesting time in our lives. We moved nearly 400 miles away from our nearest family members (a first for each of us) and within a week of moving we discovered that we were having our fourth child.

Our journey to Louisville meant we had no friends or support network for this difficult transition in our life.

My wife and I are Christians, so the first thing we wanted to do was find a church, and also an acceptable school for our kindergartner. Prior to the move I had researched several schools (if possible we wanted a private Christian school) and was for the first time introduced to classical education. If you have never read about classical education I encourage you to do so.

Schooling we found was much more expensive in Louisville than in our little home town, but remarkably the two cheapest options were both classical schools. One of them (the more expensive) did not accept mid year enrollment, so that kind of narrowed it down.

We were interviewed and our daughter was accepted into the classical academy. She has excelled there, scoring top marks in all of her subjects which is most impressive coming in mid-year. She has leaned thing in kindergarten that i didn’t learn until 3rd or 4th grade in the public system. We are so proud of her.

The issue of finding a church has been a bit more interesting. We started by going to a large well known church in our area. We really loved the preaching, music, youth programs and sunday school. The only problem is that we had a hard time getting connected to others. We are a little introverted and do not make friends well so after a few months we started attending the church that houses my daughters school. The folks are great people and we really love it, but they are of a different denomination and there are some theological differences I am trying to wrap my head around. I can truly say that these folks embodie Christ more than any other collective I have ever been a part of.

We will talk more about those theological questions I have later. This post has drug on, so I will end by saying things are working out, albeit slowly and not necessarily the way I would have chosen.

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Time to begin

Well this my very first blog posting.

I guess there are a lot of things I could start by saying but I suppose a brief history is in order. I am going to be 31 this July and my wife Sarah turned 30 this month. We have been married nearly 7 1/2 years.

Sarah and I have 3 daughters ages 6, 4 and 2 with our first little boy on the way.

We have lived in 7 different places since we were married moving most recently this past weekend.

We currently reside in Louisville Kentucky where a new job brought us late last year.

Currently our struggles are trying to find a place to fit into a church, educating our 3 daughters, and our overwhelming amount of stuff. Each of these things will eventually be discussed.

With that much being said, welcome to our journey!

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